Crate minijinja_autoreload

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This crate adds a convenient auto reloader for MiniJinja.

The AutoReloader is an utility type that can be passed around or placed in a global variable using something like once_cell. It accepts a closure which is used to create an environment which is passed a notifier. This notifier can automatically watch file system paths or it can be manually instructed to invalidate the environment.

Every time acquire_env is called the reloader checks if a reload is scheduled in which case it will automatically re-create the environment. While the guard is retained, the environment won’t perform further reloads.


This is an example that uses the source feature of MiniJinja to automatically load templates from the file system:

use minijinja_autoreload::AutoReloader;
use minijinja::{Environment, path_loader};

let reloader = AutoReloader::new(|notifier| {
    let template_path = "path/to/templates";
    let mut env = Environment::new();
    notifier.watch_path(template_path, true);

let env = reloader.acquire_env()?;
let tmpl = env.get_template("index.html")?;
